Puppy Training: Teaching Sit Command

Training your puppy to sit is one of the fundamental commands that sets the foundation for a well-behaved dog. While most training techniques focus on visual and auditory cues, we often overlook a dog’s most powerful sense: their sense of smell. By leveraging this innate ability, we can enhance the training experience for our pups, making it more natural and effective.

The Power of Scent in Training:

Dogs experience the world primarily through their noses. A scent-centric approach to training taps into this natural pathway, creating a deeper connection and understanding. When teaching your puppy to sit, using lures that are not only visually appealing but also olfactory stimulating can lead to quicker and more profound learning.

Integrating Senses for Effective Learning:

Combining the use of scents with traditional visual and auditory commands enriches the training process.

  1. Start with a scented treat to capture your puppy’s attention.
  2. Hold it close to their nose, then slowly lift it above their head.
  3. As their nose follows the scent, their bottom will naturally lower to the ground.
  4. At this time you should give a firm verbal “sit”. ( only say the command 1 time)
  5. Once in the sit position, reward them with the treat and verbal praise.
  6. Be sure to choose a release command ( break, Free, Release) I will touch more on these tomorrow!
  7. repeat the process several days for short periods of time
  8. As the puppy learns the “que” reduce the lure and focus more on verbal

This process will engage all of your puppy’s natural senses. I made the mistake of using hand gestures and lures to much. Ruger would sit for a raised hand but not a verbal command. At 6 months old we had to start over and remove all hand gestures.

Recommended Training Aids:

At Barktastic.net, we understand the importance of engaging all your puppy’s senses for effective training. Our selection of scented training treats and interactive toys can make learning commands like “sit” more intuitive and enjoyable. Explore our training aids that cater specifically to your dog’s olfactory sense.

External Insights:

For further reading on the importance of using your dog’s sense of smell in training, K9 Perspectives offers valuable insights and techniques. Their expert advice complements our scent-centric training approach, providing a well-rounded strategy for your puppy’s education.


Teaching your puppy to sit using a scent-centric approach not only makes the training process more effective but also more engaging for your dog. By catering to their strongest sense, you can foster a deeper learning experience and a stronger bond between you and your puppy. Check out Barktastic.net for all the tools and treats you need to embark on this aromatic training journey.

Call to Action:

Ready to revolutionize your puppy training with the power of scent? Visit Barktastic.net today and discover our wide range of scented treats and training aids designed to captivate your dog’s senses and make training a breeze.

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